UNISON Fife Stewards Development Day

What a busy day for the branch!
Today was our annual stewards development day.
We saw many of our stewards and branch officers come together with presentations from 3 great speakers.
Firstly, we welcomed Councillor Jim Leishman MBE who is currently The Provost of Fife. It was great listening to Jim’s motivational talk surrounding mental health and the importance of talking and feeling good. We took away today – ‘it’s good to talk’ , ‘ Be Positive’, ‘Feel Great’ & ‘Everyone has a strength – always remember that’!
Next, we had a fantastic informative employment law presentation from Jillian Merchant – Thompson’s Solicitors. There was an in-depth look at attendance management and capability. Unfortunately, there was not enough hours to cover all the topics we would have like to, so hopefully we will have another catch up with Jillian soon.
Lastly, Steve & Graham from FC Corporate Health & Safety attended to deliver a fantastic presentation on many aspects of H&S – from incident reporting to workplace inspections. There was a lot of interest from our stewards and hopefully the branch H&S group meetings will be able to catch up with Steve and Graham again soon
What a great bunch of stewards we have. Striving to support our members in their workplaces.
The branch goal is to have a trained steward in all our workplaces
If you think you’d like to join the team and become a workplace steward – please contact the branch.
Our next Steward accreditation training takes place in November! YOU could be on that training
Contact us today – [email protected]