Join UNISON Fife Branch

Joining UNISON Fife is simple all you have to do is click on the link at the bottom of the page or scan the QR Code here.

It will take you to UNISON Scotland. Just follow the instructions on the page. Once you have completed the form UNISON Scotland will inform us of your membership. As a new member you can spend up to 20 points on our shop page. Once you have placed your order and it has been checked by our administration staff your selection will be sent directly to you.

Interested in becoming a UNISON Fife Branch Steward ? Our stewards form an important part of our branch. Full training is given along with support from one of our branch officers. For further information please call the branch on 01592 583686

There are sub groups that meet on a regular basis, this helps us keep in touch with our members and the issues that matter. For example the health and Safety group raises issues that arise in the work place. We can then arrange for our Health and Safety officer to visit premises and raise any findings with Managers.

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